Friday, June 10, 2011

2 days left!

We have had a fun filled week! Awards day went well Thursday! Friday we had a great talent show! Reagan and Jordan did great with their Taylor Swift song! and Ms. McLaughlin danced with some girls! We all had fun and did great! They are so brave for singing and dancing in front of the school!

There are still a few of you who need to bring in 2 stamps for report cards!

2 days left!!

Thanks for everything parents!
We've had a great year and are now ready for SUMMER!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

8 more days

Summer is almost here....8 more days left!
We have been working long and hard! We are ready for 4th grade. I am very thankful for your continued support of the students and am proud because they have been successful this year and got through last week great!!

There is no homework this week, but students are stillencouraged to read each night and practice multiplication.

Please bring in two stamps so report cards can be mailed to you. If stamps are not provided, you will have to come pick them up in the office at the end of the school year.

AWARDS DAYS is June 9, 2011 at 1:45 PM.
They couldn’t have done it without you!....we’re almost there!