Saturday, August 27, 2011


We had TWO GREAT days back at school! It was great to learn about one another and have MORE fun getting to know each other with the jelly beans activity! We have lots of athletes and scientists in our class!!

the boys

the girls

Next week we will have homework. In our homework folders is a list of spelling activities that you can do each night. The goal is to try to get 50 spelling points by Friday. Homework is expected to get done each night and turned in Friday morning. There will also be math sheets and a reading log to complete.

We will begin reviewing second grade math with adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers. In Science, we will start with plants and seeds. So please BRING IN ANY TYPES OF SEEDS YOU MAY HAVE after eating that apple or orange :-)

Reading will start with sequencing and discussing details of a story and writing will start with sentence and paragraph structure. I am so EXCITED! WE ARE SO EXCITED!

Here are some photos from the jelly bean dichotomy! We had to use the dichotomy key to figure out the different flavors of jelly beans! It was soo fun and even better to taste them! :-)

Friday, June 10, 2011

2 days left!

We have had a fun filled week! Awards day went well Thursday! Friday we had a great talent show! Reagan and Jordan did great with their Taylor Swift song! and Ms. McLaughlin danced with some girls! We all had fun and did great! They are so brave for singing and dancing in front of the school!

There are still a few of you who need to bring in 2 stamps for report cards!

2 days left!!

Thanks for everything parents!
We've had a great year and are now ready for SUMMER!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

8 more days

Summer is almost here....8 more days left!
We have been working long and hard! We are ready for 4th grade. I am very thankful for your continued support of the students and am proud because they have been successful this year and got through last week great!!

There is no homework this week, but students are stillencouraged to read each night and practice multiplication.

Please bring in two stamps so report cards can be mailed to you. If stamps are not provided, you will have to come pick them up in the office at the end of the school year.

AWARDS DAYS is June 9, 2011 at 1:45 PM.
They couldn’t have done it without you!....we’re almost there!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

MAY 23-27

This week is EOG week! We have been working long and hard!

There is no homework this week, but you are still encouraged to read each night and practice multiplication.

Parents, although we should be doing this each day, please make sure students follow these three easy steps this week J

1.    Remember to have a good, filling breakfast each morning
2.    Get a good nights’ rest.

Please bring in two stamps so report cards can be mailed to you. If stamps are not provided, you will have to come pick them up in the office at the end of the school year.

They couldn’t have done it without you!....we’re almost there!

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9-13

Although we are focusing a lot on reviewing for the EOG, please talk to your students about pacing themselves and relaxing during the test. We don't want them rushing or getting stressed out.

 We all know this is a stressful time of year for teachers, but it is also a pretty stressful time for students.  This is when students are expected to perform at their best, while still behaving, doing homework, eating right, and going to bed on time. 

While we can’t take a field trip to the spa to relax our students in this stressful time, there are ways we can teach students to manage their own stress.  Read on to find out ways to distress students.

Tin Soldier

Students tense up and become rigid like a tin soldier, making sure that limbs and joints are taught.  Then as they count backwards from ten, students slowly loosen up from head to toe.  While they may not be able to do a full version of this on test day, students can be taught how to take this skill and focus on a particular area in the body that feels tense – or could feel tense in a test situation (like the shoulders and neck).

1 + 3 + 10

I read this several years ago in an article and it has worked wonders with my own children.  The first number (1) tells you to stop and “think calm”.  Then you take three (3) deep breaths.  Finally, students count to ten (10) in their heads.


During this time of year, many classrooms are “off-kilter” with routines.  It’s not hard to do – scheduling, reteaching, special events- but getting away from the norm and out of whatever your routines in the classroom are can cause stress for many students. As hectic as your day becomes with all sorts of demands on your time, make sure to keep as many routines as possible in your classroom to eliminate the stress of the unknown schedule.


Ask any pro-sports player what they do prior to a big game and many will probably tell you they do some sort of visualization technique where they think about the game ahead and visualize how the game will go and how they will use their strategies to successfully beat their opponents. 

Students can do the same thing for test time.  Spend time talking your kids through successful test visualization.  A visualization where students are taking their time to read every passage SLOWLY and thoughtfully while they consider each test question and answer choices using all of those great strategies and skills they spent all year learning!


Monday - define each word, math sheet, read
Tuesday - write a paragraph using 5 spelling words, math sheet, read
Wednesday - sentences, math sheet, read
Thursday - practice test, math sheet, read

Parents, each night when your child reads, please remember to ask comprehension questions and/or have your student write down summaries and main idea.
Please, don’t forget you can access released items and tests on the NCDPI website.

Friday, April 29, 2011

May 2-6

EOG has been moved to May 23-27!!!!! It is crunch time!!

Parents, we need your help. We are weak in some areas of reading: summarizing, main idea, understanding author’s purpose and comprehension. Each night when your child reads, please remember to ask comprehension questions and/or have your student write down summaries and main idea.
Please, don’t forget you can access released items and tests on the NCDPI website.

Field Day - Friday, May 6. Volunteers are needed!!

Will you bring a bag lunch or will you need a cafeteria lunch?
Let me know ASAP if you need a cafeteria bag lunch.

 Don't forget to bring water, a hand towel, hat and to wear sneakers and light clothing. If you need sunscreen - bring it!


Monday – define each spelling word, math sheet, read

Tuesday – write a paragraph using 5 of the spelling words, math sheet, read

Wednesday - Put spelling words into sentences, math sheet, read
Thursday – write spelling words 3x each, math sheet, read

Please review multiplication each night!!!

Snow Make Up Day: The make up day for December 16 is June 10. The next scheduled make up days are January 12 - June 13, January 13 – June 14

Focus for the next few weeks:
Social Studies: Rome; Math: review of multiplication and division, geometry, algebra, time ETC.; Reading: reviewing all areas

Monday, April 25, 2011

Photos from Bethabara

 Learning German!
 A slate! Wait no paper and pencil?
Ohh! Look at the toys! All handmade!

The boys are trying to play games! They would never be able to survive without technology!
 Shadows :)

 Some of the toys used in Colonial Times
 The boys learning how to clean wool.

 We're listening to Brother Robert talk about the rooms and bed in Colonial America.

 If there was an emergency, they had to use the pot to go to the bathroom!
 Caleb is our model!

 The thin bedding!

Typical Colonial oven

 The basement of a tailor shop!
 Us in the Garden!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pomander Balls from Colonial America

Today we made Pomander Balls which is an orange or apple poked with cloves and covered with cinnamon. It was used during Colonial times to keep the house fragrant. We had such a great time and loved how the room smelled fresh with cinnamon and citrus. Of course, Ms. McLaughlin forgot to take photos!

Photos from our measurement activity